Don’t doubt God’s Word.

How do I doubt? If you doubt it with your mind,don’t doubt it with your voice.Hold on,hold on.John 20:24-25 Thomas said Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails,and put my finger into the print of the nails,and thurust my hand into side,I WILL NOT...

The Effects of Rhema

Rhema is God’s word spoken with His mouth,which produces His results.Consider Isaiah 55:11.So shall my word be that goes forth out my mouth;it shall not return unto void,but it shall accomplishing that which I please.

Rooted And Grounded In The Word

How do we get rooted and grounded in the word,we begin with good seed in good soil. The good seed is the Gospel of Jesus.Our soul is the soil,we must break up the fallow ground and sow in righteousness (Ephesians 3:17,Hosea 10:12.

Listen Before You Speak

Whenever we began to answers a person before the person finishes making his or her point,we are both foolish and rude.Provebrs 18:13 Says he that answers a matter before he hears it,it is folly and shame unto him.